Monday, May 20, 2013

30 freaking 2

30 effing 2. 30 effing 2. THIRTY EFFING TWO.

This is all that went through my head at 5:30 this morning when I stumbled down the hall to feed a crying baby.

How did this happen? 30 effing 2 years OLD today. I'm the baby of the family, two older brothers. So with being the baby, my mom always makes a big deal about my age. Ya know the, 'My BABY is 32 years old today, on my!" and that got me thinking, what will it be like when MY baby is 32 years old? Good gawd.

I really am not the kind of person that gets caught up on age. I had a hard time with my 30th, but not because I was turning 30, but because I was struggling with making a baby and turing 30.

I actually love birthdays and all that comes along with them. When I was in middle school my BFF Jennifer gave me a balloon bouquet to walk around with for the day. I basically thought it was the best thing ever.

As I've gotten older I treat my birthday kind of like New Years Eve and make resolutions for my next year of life. In no particular order they are --

1 - Live a healthier life. This includes eating better and moving more.
2 - Live a happier life. I'd like to stop getting caught up in the daily BS and instead find joy in the day to day.
3 - Be a better wife. I feel like I take the Hubs for granted. He's a wonderful man and I don't alway tell/show him I think this.
4 - Run a half marathon.
5 - Be a nicer person. I get caught up in gossip and shit talking form time to time. Gotta stop that.
6 - Stay in touch with loved ones. From family to friends, I kind of suck at keeping in touch and making the effort to call. I'm awesome at emails, Facebook messages and text, but a phone call goes a long way and means so much more. So, I will be better at that.


  1. Happy birthday, gorgeous!! 32!! Woo hoo!! (I'm 34 if it makes you feel any better, you young whipper snapper). :)
