Monday, April 29, 2013

Ringing in Monday with a weekend recap!

Got some upper body exercise from painting this weekend. My shoulders are so sore. I can't even brush my hair without cringing a little.

See, we live in a condo (never again!) and have a common entrance we share with 9 other units. When we first moved in this area looked spotless.

The condos were new construction and the builder kept the common area looking super nice so he could sell those bad boys like hot cakes. We purchased the last unit and soon after we moved in, the common area turned into slum city.

I have no idea how 9 other until owners can dirty up a place they don't even spend more than 5 minutes in getting from the main entrance to their condo door. It is maddening. Our development also got caught up in the housing bust so we're half developed and scraping by on a shoestring budget. There should be about another 100 units to help share in the cost of landscaping and upkeep, etc. but instead, there are 69 units covering the cost. Shit is tight. 

This means there is no extra money to clean up the mess that is our building hallways. The best quote we got was SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to paint. I want a clean hallway but I'm not crazy. SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!? 

I couldn't stand it any longer so I recruited my mom and we painted the effing hallways this weekend. And I will cut a bitch if I come home to another two feet of black marker run down the wall. I don't care if you're 6. I'm kidding, kind of. 

So all day Saturday was blown on that and Saturday night was spent doing some grocery shopping at the big Wal-Mart. I put Mr. Mister to bed and the hubs stayed home so I could go solo, it was glorious. I was gone 3 hours and still feel like we don't have groceries. I just enjoyed wondering up and down the isles like I had nowhere to be. It was wonderful. 

I also have big news, I signed up for a HALF MARATHON! (there seems to be lots of yelling in today's post).  I haven't even started C25K but here's to hoping this will be my motivation. The last time I signed up for this bad boy I decided to sleep instead of run on raceday. Stupid. 

I was a lot younger and there may have been a few adult beverages consumed the night before. And while we're being honest, I didn't really train for it. I think 5 miles was the most I ran before raceday. 

Also, my Boston Strong BIC Band shipped today. Super cute and 100% of profits go toward The One Fund. They're limited edition and they really don't slip, go gettch ya one!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday

What, what?! Three blog posts in three days?!? Cray, cray.

So this past week went ok with a few FAT ATTACKS here and there. But I felt pretty good about my week and DietBet is helping to keep me motivated. Cash, money is on the line people!

Drumroll, 162.4! Not a huge loss, but a loss. AND a total of 13.6 lbs from starting. I'll take it!

I still suck at exercise, but WILL get bettre. I do some pushup and squats here and there but nothing to tell Jillian Michaels about. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New look!

Can we talk about how fan-freaking-tastic my page looks?

It is brought to you by....

I stumbled upon Hubby Jack (real name Chris) a few months ago and decided to get in the blog design que. Side note, he looks like Jim from the office.

Hubby Jack does great work, super easy to work with and cheap if you ask me. I mean, I don't have a clue how to do any of this so it was worth the cash to pretty up and decorate my blogland space.

His blog has a lot of tutorials, but he also pokes fun at us mommy bloggers. Check him out! His blog, not him. He's married!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend recap

Regular weekend, went shopping with my mom and Mr. Mister, Hubs had to work, booo!

Little man wore one of his little man shirts. He looked nothing but adorable. Word on the street is that he's trying to say "puppy" today. I've asked for a video clip and got nothing yet.

We went up to the outlets to return the expensive diaper bag and while we were there, had to do some looking around. Just had to. I was good this time and didn't really buy much. Got an awesome dry fit shirt and regret not buying these...

I'm LOVING some neon right now. 

Mr. Mister is starting to get really grabby - I put a purse in the basket and turned around and found this. He also likes to grab the tags on clothes and try to shove them in his mouth.

We have a summer beach family vacation (that's a lot of adjectives) planned this July. I'm super worried about him getting sunburned especially with my own skin cancer scares. I'm pushing my fears onto him and poor thing got this hat. He was sleeping when I purchased it so I was excited to try it on him when we got home. I think he looks like a bee keeper.

Sunday was a day that makes me super proud to be an Aggie. It was Aggie Muster, y'all. Mr. Mister wore his finest Aggie gear.

Basically the saying goes if there is a fellow Aggie in one-hundred miles of you, you are expected to get together, eat a little and live over the days you spent at A&M. It's a time to commemorate fellow Aggies who have passed away since the previous year's Muster. The names are read and someone answers 'here' for them.

This was the first one I've been to since graduating in 2003 (whoop!) and got a little more emotional than I expected. I chose to answer here for those that graduated the same year I did. We also had the sister in attendance of one of the ones on the list. Tears!

"Softly call the Muster, let comrade answer 'Here'..."
We ened the day with one last shopping trip in prep for a brunch I've got coming up. Fiesta!

Confession - Then I had a fat attack on Sunday night, diet fail!!!

One last one of this cutie, because there were clearly not enough in this post- ha!

Those would be newborn legwarmers on his arms.
Obviously hubs was at work this day. #mommydressedme

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, yay!

I originally started blogging when I was preggo to keep all our out-of-town/state relatives updated, all that's over on Little Baby Callahan.

In my draft folder I've had a post about our infertility woes for almost a year. I don't know why I never published it, I just didn't.

Well after readying Skinny Meg's struggle, I decided to dust it off, updated and hit publish. So here you go, check it out.

While you're there, you can see all my weekly preggo pics. I loose my ankles around week 32 - canckles are not sexy, FYI.

In other news, yay for Friday! I'm soooo glad this week is O-V-E-R.

Here's a pic of Mr. Mister to brighten your day

I also signed up for another DietBet. Had to get some motivation back. It joined a game in-progress because the pot is $38,590!!! I'm curious to see if I end up getting more, less or the same as last time when I WIN, cuz you know I'm gong to WIN ;)

And can we talk about how obsessed I am with PB2? The chocolate one, not the regular. I put it on my fruit  in my oatmeal and may have even tried to mix it with almond milk the other night. I don't suggest that. But it is delicious on strawberries. I order mine from Amazon.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finish the sentence Linkup!!!

Get excited! It's another linkup with Holly and Jake

Here it goes...
1. I laughed so hard I cried when... damn this is sad. I do not remember the last time I laughed that hard. I need to fix that. I just read Jake's answer to this. Hilarious. Go check it out. 

2. My high school...was high school.  

3. It really pisses me off... that I don't have a high metabolism and LOVE to eat. That shit just ain't right. 

4. In ten years... good gawd, I'll be old. In my 40s! Shit!

5. If I could erase one thing... how insecure I was as a teen. 

6. In 1999...  I graduated from high school and could NOT WAIT to go off to college. Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2003, whoop!

7. Honestly... I wish I could go back to college. 

8. To me, Sushi... is disgusting  I'm not a seafood eater to begin with so then when you don't cook it, ew.  

9. Someone really needs to invent... part-time jobs with full-time pay.

10. The first time I drank alcohol... I was not 21. I was a good kid but did some dumb stuff. When I was 18 I sent myself to the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Oppes, sorry mom. 

11. The one question I would ask God is... is the Long Island Medium for real?

12. Lindsay Lohan... is a freaking train wreak. I did like her recent Letterman interview where he tired to joke with her about rehab. "What are they rehabbing you from this time?"

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday

I was kind of excited to weigh this morning. As usual, I did a protein day yesterday and thought I'd see a new PR. That's personal record for you non-runners. Oh how sad, I'm trying to PR on on my scale.

But alas, I think I ate too much yesterday and I'm actually up some. 163.8. Blah.

I know how mad I will be at myself if I don't get serious and get some more weight off before Mexico. Maybe another DietBet is in order.

I've been lazy in blogland and haven't been doing Weekend recaps. I know all 16 of your are really broken up about that. Well there is a reason. My ipone was FULL of pics and video clips of Mr. Mister so I couldn't take any pics of my awesome weekend whereabouts. And who wants to read a post without photos? Not me!

Good news, I did a big dump onto the computer last night so I'm back in business. You'll now get photos of the awesome stuff I buy and then return, like this Kate Spade diaper bag.

It's a beauty and I got a steal of a deal at the outlet. I realized I'm scared to use it because it's so nice. I figure that's dumb and going to return it. I have never been much of a Kate Spade fan, but actually found quite a few bags I liked when I was in there. The quality of the leather is to die for.

Let's see what else. Oh the Boston marathon stuff was terrible. Just terrible. Being a former serious runner (I even ran a half marathon years ago) I can't begin to tell you the pride you feel when you cross that finish line. Not only did someone harm innocent people, but they also took the joy, pride and all things happy away from every single person in that race. It will forever be tainted with sorrow and fear.

I'm officially a 30 Day Shred drop out. I have been doing some workouts on my own. A mix of lunges, mountain climbers, crunches, etc. But defiantly not at the intensity that I should be. I have however, been spending lots of time with this cutie -

Look at that chubby little leg, I die. Cutest thing ever. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Confession about the marshmellows

I scored a few bags of Easter marshmellows for $0.30 at Target, so I bought a bunch of bags becuase 1. They were $0.30 2. The colors are pretty 3. They were $0.30!!

AND, I have a Target debit card so I got ANOTHER 5% off. Basically, they were giving them away. 

I had also bough those darn chocolate eggs "for the office" knowing darn well I'd shovel them in my face. Well after making myself sick from them, I've done good avoiding them the past few days. That is until today. I put two and two together....

BAM! Fat attack!! I'd like to lie and say I only had one or two of these little sandwiches BUT 4 or 5 is a more accurate account. PLUS a few handfulls of straight marshmallows. They're fat free. 

In case you were wondering, I already regret it. I'm already worried about how it's going to affect Weigh-in Wednesday. And I did so good on all my other food intake for the day. Dang it!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Confession about quitting mid 30DS

As you know I've been doing the NerkeyMeg 30 Day Shred challenge. Well to help me get through it, I play it on a portable DVD player and watch some smut TV.

Last night the DVD player died halfway through and so I took that as cue to do the same. Such a slacker!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday

Hey girl, hey!

So I got a little slack once DietBet was over and lost a little motivation.

Confession: I ate one too many 1/2 price Easter candies. Reese's eggs got the best of me one day at work. 500ish calories wasted on candy. Ugh. Stupid.

I got back on track and did a protein day yesterday and got the 1.5 lbs I gained back off and am exactly back to what I was last Wednesday. 163.2

We have 7 weeks until Mexico so my goal weight loss from here is 2 lbs a week for a total loss of 14 lbs. That would put me at 149.2 and I'd be ecstatic to be in the 140s for vacation.

I also have slacked on the NerkeyMeg's 30 Day Shred challenge so I need to get back on that.

The weather has finally decided to warm up and really be spring almost summer out. I'm thinking this would be a good time to finally start C25K. 

Update on my skin check --> Got my stitches out on Monday. It was painful. Apparently I'm a fast healer so I started to heal over the stitches and they had to DIG and PULL to get them out. Dissolvable stitches?  Let's try those next time!

But lab reports came back that all is well and nothing to worry about. Yay!

Friday, April 5, 2013


Friday has given me the big ol eff you today.

Confession - I got a ticket for running a red light about a month ago. Stupid. I wasn't even in a hurry or late for work. I just didn't want to stop and thought I could make it. And didn't realize there was a police officer sitting at the light.

I went to court today to try and get it dropped in exchange for driving school and probation  No such luck. I got to pay the fine + $60 freaking dollars in court costs + 4% processing fee for paying with a credit/debit card.

Only good thing was I showed up on time and had to park in BFE, so I got a little morning walk in on may way to and fro Courtroom B.

And let me tell ya about some of the peeps that were in court with me - oh my! It's a crying shame no cellies are allowed in the courthouse. There were some awesome outfits on display. Pimped out suits with matching Nike's for the gents and lots of animal print in pink and purples for the gals.

I thought to myself that I need to remember this place for when I eventually get to retire. I can totally see myself going to court to people watch and listen to their ridiculous stories. Is that strange? Whatever.

I sat behind a 17ish year old girl who was in court with her mom. You could tell mom was pissed and said girl was scared. It brought me back to when I was 17 and got my first (of many) speeding ticket.

I was on the way home from cross country practice and dropping a kid off that I normally didn't.  I don't even remember his name. But you bet I remember getting pulled over for going 18 mph OVER the speed limit while trying to do a good deed.

In my defense, it was in a neighborhood where the speedlimit was 25. Not like I was going 90 or anything. I came home and put that bad boy on the fridge and tired to make a joke about it to my mom. I totally try to make jokes when I'm uncomfortable.

She had to go to court with me, mandatory here in VA and I had to bring a copy of my report card. Judge was nice and gave me driving school with probation. That was the first and last time I ever got a ticket dropped by a judge.

I don't remember the court goers being as colorful as they were today, but I probably didn't pay much attention to it as I was scared shitless.

Today, I had a little more confidence. This wasn't my first rodeo. I knew you had to plead not guilty, even if you were, in order to have the discussion about possibly getting the ticket dropped.

However, as I stood there next the police officer who pulled me over, my heart started pounding. I guess authority figures still kind of freak me out.

But then, as the judge was telling me why he wasn't going to drop the ticket (speeding ticket on my record from 5 years ago - shit!) the freaking police officer snickered! He f-ing snickered! Oh I wanted to go all Kenya Moore (Real Housewives of Atlanta) on him and then twirl my way out of the courtroom.

But I didn't. I stood there, mostly in shock and told the judge, "Thank you," as I gathered my bag and headed out to pay my fine.

On a positive note, I got $37.08 from winning the DietBet game. Paid $15 so net $17.08. That about covers the 4% processing fee from today.

Got the notification as I was trying to find the courthouse.
Happy Friday and cheers to this being an awesome weekend.

That's me cheersing you with my coffee.
It's lunch time and it's my first cup. That should tell you how today has gone!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Winning this Weigh-in Wednesday!

Today was the day that concluded the DietBet and we were allowed to submit final weights. I did it, I'm a winner!!!

I lost 9.6 pounds and EXCEEDED the goal weight by 2.7 lbs to take home the win.

Don't know yet how much I'll win. I think everyone has until tonight to submit weights with photos and then I'm sure there is some processing time and such.

But either way, I won with the weight loss. It really did keep me motivated. Was I perfect every day? No, but I kept at it and got back on track and did my best. I highly suggest using DietBet as a weight loss tool, especially if you are motivated by money - ha!

So not only did I win, but had another pretty good loss this week for Weigh in Wednesday. 163.2!
Don't mind the "Guava" label, that's my secret code I had to use to submit my DietBet weigh-in photo.

I'm almost back to pre-pregnancy weight, hooray! I can not wait to get in the 150s! Oh so close.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bad decisions

This past week I feel like my bad choices in early adulthood have caught up with me.

I had a doctor visit to the dermatologist for my 6 month checkup. About 6 months ago I had my first appointment for just a routine skin-check and make sure all was well. I had never been and knew I hadn't been too kind to my skin over the years. 

Well, all was not well. I had several spots that didn't look so good. Spots I wouldn't have ever guessed were problematic. I got numbed up and biopsies were taken. One spot came back that it had cancer like cell growth. 

To even hear the C word is enough to scare you shitless. It's not cancer (yet), but shares cell growth similar to that of cancer. So, they went back in to cut all of it out. I now have a nice linear scar on my stomach next to my belly button. 

I went to this appointment this past week just expecting a quick exam and then to be on my way. After all, it had only been 6 months and my body hasn't even seen the sun. 

But once again, I had to get some more skin cut out for biopsies. Two areas they had removed last time started to regrow and apparently that's not good. I have to wait on lab results, but for now I have stitches in my back and a head full of worries.

So many years of laying out and not wearing sunblock, tanning beds, getting sunburns so I'd tan faster (stupid logic, I was young and dumb!) and now this. The tans have faded and all I'm left with is the damage. Self-inflicted damage at that. And fear of skin cancer. 

Tans don't last forever, but biopsy scars do. Put that on a bumpersticker. 

Do yourself a favor, stay out of the sun, wear sunblock and go get a skin check! 

PSA over. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter weekend recap

Happy Aprils fools, fools! No pranks here, I've never been a good pranker, but am the best at getting pranked. I'm so freaking gullible. It's embarrassing sometimes.

Good news, after eating like a fat kid, I didn't gain weigh this weekend. 

Bad news, after eating like a fat kid, I didn't loose any weight this weekend. 

I'll call in a win. 

Besides the eating, the weekend was pretty mild. We did a family outing to Busch Gardens to get out of the house on Saturday. The weather was nice and the Hubs was off so we strolled around and ate like we were on vacation. I love amusement park food. Such a weakness.

Tried to take Mr. Mister on his first ride but he got denied! Hubs waited in line for 20 minutes before he was told walking was a prerequisite to ride. Dumb.

After the park, Hubs went to help his dad with guy stuff so I headed to the mall to track down some Easter shoes. Super score at Payless, got these beauties for $20, holla!

Hubs had to work on Sunday, sometimes his schedule really blows. But Mr. Mister and I did church with my mom and this was my first time going since I had him. He slept through the entire thing. Apparently the word of God wears him out.

Headed out for Easter lunch and had them most un-American Easter dinner, at a Chinese buffet. My mom insisted this place had an amazing salad bar. The only thing that resembled a salad fixing were the plate decorations they had on the dessert bar. Fail. I got tricked. 

And here are some pics with his Easter loot.

Golden egg filled with QUARTERS! Lucky kid. 
I have decided to linkup with NerkyMeg on a 30 Day Shred challenge that starts today! As you know, I've been trying to get off my arse and start it, so I'm hoping this will be my motivation and I'll get further than day 1 this time.

We are t minus 2 months until Mexico and my plan/goal is to do this twice before we leave. I'm calling it the Mexico Meltdown.

Going to take some before photos tonight, ew.