Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hey, it's me again

So basically I've become the crazy high-maintenance patient all doctors hope they don't get. I have called and/or emailed my dentist no less than 6 times in 3-days. I bet someone is regretting, 'here's my contact info, call or email me if you need anything at all."

He's been totally cool about it, but I KNOW he's rolling his eyes when he sees my number or email come up.

Ya'll I send emails with photos attached of what the new problem is. Straight crazy. Do you know how hard it is to take a photo of a tooth in your mouth?! Hard, but thanks to all my inquiries, I'd say I have perfected it. 

I've tried to coat my craziness with humor, but I think it's lost on him. For example, I signed one email something like, "Your high-maintenance patient, Amber" and no reference back to it in his email. None at all. 

And my last email was, "Hi, me again. Few more questions, go figure. " To which he called me. He's probably all, "Oh gez, let me call this crazy so my email ding stops going off on my phone."

But whatever, I can be a little crazy. You pulled a tooth out of my mouth and some of my stitches came out. How am I suppose to not freak out!? 

In other news, I've decided to start talking about weight loss again. Yay. Here's the deal, real talk: I have not run in over a month. The last time I ran was the BCS Half Marathon. I took retirement seriously. A little too much. Now I feel like an out-of-shape-lethargic mess. 

So let's face it, I need to get this body moving agian and plan to run 2 miles a day, 5 days a week. I also want to add weight training. I'd like to do this 3 times a week. The big goal is to join the 5 a.m. club the days the Hubs is home in the mornings and hit the gym for a good hour-long workout. 

And most importantly, I'm giving the clean eating thing a try. I know myself, I wont be 100% clean, but I'm shooting for 80% 

So here are my stats as of this morning-
Weight - 160.2 
Pant size - A comfortable 10. Not too tight and def not loose. 

Here we go!  

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