Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, yay!

What up? Good week? Well it's Friday so even if wasn't, at least it's now over and we can move on to the weekend!

Speaking of weekends, last weekend I went for a run on Sunday and fell at mile 5. I was suppose to do 12, but wasn't feeling it so used falling as an excuse to stop. Damn it.

I'm really good at finding excuses to do or not do something? I'd say it's my superpower. However, I wouldn't say this is a positive trait so I'm going to try and fix that. I'm tired of making excuses TO MYSELF. It's ridiculous. 

The rest of the weekend was pretty lame. Ran some errands, did some household chores (boooo!), pinned 100 things I will never make or buy and watched a lot of DVR'd reality TV. 

Stepped on the scale Wednesday morning and 159. WHAT? I'm thinking it's from eating too much of this...

I love peanut butter. L.O.V.E. I need to remember everything in moderation and stop eating so much. It's lowish in carbs so I tend to give myself a free pass on it when I'm low-carbing and lets be honest, while it is a healthy fat, it still has A LOT of fat in it. 

In other news, Mr. Mister now has an obsession with boots. He comes by in honestly.
PJs and galoshes, why not?!
Dad's work boots

And you see that wall behind him? This is what it looks like now:

And I have BIG plans for it thanks to Pinterest. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I plan to make it look like this...

I've pinned quite a few with all kinds of instructions and tips. I'm hoping I can pull it off, the hubs has his doubts. Time to prove him wrong!

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