Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Detoxing gone wrong

First - I was SO good all week. Followed it all to a t and felt great. GREAT. A little hungry, but my stomach has never been so flat. And then, then Friday rolled around and I decided to take a quick overnight trip to the beach to visit a friend while the hubs was out of town and the in-laws offered to watch Mr. Mister.

Beach bungalow for the night!
That's when the de just fell right of the tox. Tacos for dinner with all the cheese and sour cream a girl could want. Then breakfast was full on dinner style with an eggs, cheese, bacon and 4 cups of coffee with LOADS of cream and splenda.

Here's a photo dump/recap of the weekend. Because we all know it's way more fun to look a photos than read about it:

Bike ride after breakfast, yay for exercise! 

More coffee for the ride home. 

Toddler birthday party in the afternoon. 

Sunday chores ;)

Successful closet purging. 
I had all intentions of getting back on the wagon Monday and then today, BUT, all my playing this weekend left me unprepared. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Truth.

I also had dinner with some friends Saturday night and ate Mexican again (yikes!) and one of my friends has done Weight Watchers and lost about 25 lbs and is looking amazing. So of course in my head I'm all, I need to do that! Forget this detox, I'll just do that. What is wrong with me? Always chasing the next best diet. And I KNOW that's not what I need to do.

Yo-yo dieter for life!

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