Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Retirement Run Recap

An epic run down memory lane is the best way to describe my BCS half experience.

It was truly one of the best runs I've ever had. Ever. I felt good, I felt strong, I enjoyed almost every mile. And I grinned from ear to ear as the college memories rushed thorough my head.

The crazy cold front and ice storm had everyone in a tizzy about the race and many wanted it cancelled. Not going to lie, I was kind of hoping it would. But I'm so glad it didn't.

The morning started with an early start, 3:15 a.m. wake up, wtf, right? I know. I died when my cousin told me what time we need to leave the house.

well, get up and go sit on a bus and wait to run.

She's part of a running club and wanted us to ride up on the chartered bus with the club. That meant we had to leave about 1.5 hours earlier than we'd have had to if we just drove up on our own. We both agree this was a dumb move.

Waiting on the bus, full of tiredness and anticipation. 
It was cold, 32 degrees but felt good after the first half mile. I even took my gloves off about mile one. And by the end it has warmed up to a balmy 34 degrees, ha!

The race was well organized, amazing volunteers. The student organization cheer stations were the best. The best! And the post race food and goodie bag was first class.

The fans along the way had great energy and clever sings. A few of my favorite were: You run better than the government! Run like Johnny football. And the Grim Reaper holding "I can take you somewhere warm!"

However, my favorite fans were the ones who got caught up in the middle of things and didn't have a clue what was going on. A guy was on his bike trying to get to the library and the look on his face was priceless.

Mile 9ish was a refueling station where I picked up these little guys. I ate 3 of them and then decided I best not make my stomach mad, so I went all Ferris Bueller's Day off and put them in my jacket pocket for later.

If you'd asked me Saturday if I thought CS was hilly, I'd have told you it was flat as a pancake. But after running UP those slow steady hills, I can tell you it is def not flat.

Where did all these HILLS come from???

But even with that, I still PR'd.

Around every turn a old memory came flooding in. And if there's one thing I'm sure of, I did college right. Sure, I made some stupid decisions and dated boys I shouldn't have, but all in all, I had a bad ass 4 years.

It got me thinking how far I've come in 10 years. There is no way my 18-22 year-old self would have ever been able to run a half then. I'd have wanted to, but I wouldn't have followed through with the commitment to train. I beat myself up over it now because I don't think I do it well enough, but the fact is, I do it. I did it. And that makes me so proud.

Being all happy and wrapped up like a baked potato. PS Those blankets don't do crap. It was still cold. 

We then enjoyed the festivities and after party. I got plate full of goodness and ate it like I hand't eaten in days. That's the best part of a race, chowing down after on food goodness and not having an ounce of regret.

And then we went to the Chicken. That place is one of the only things in Aggieland that is exactly the way it was 10+ years ago. And I loved it.

$4.50 chugger of beer, gawd I love a college town. 

Fried goodness. 
The celebration crew. Cheers to my retirement! 

After eating our way through the afternoon, we headed back to Houston and got pedicures and fro-yo because that's super important in the recovery plan.

The best pedicure I've ever had. It even came with a shoulder message. 
Monday rolled around and it was time to head home. I had a ball, but it is always good to go home. Here's my outfit of the travel day which includes several on my frugal look-a-likes.


  1. Wow! It was warmer in college station than in San Antonio and I was only doing a 5K!
    Sounds like quite the experience with returning to campus to run it. I posted a teaser that I was going to wear a UT hat for Saturday and got all my Aggie friends riled up!

    Way to go! I need to go back and fpread up on why it is your retirement run' since I'm older than you and just getting started ;)

    1. Crazy for Texas weather, right?! Hope you did well on your 5k! Us Aggies do get riled up over some burnt orange :)

      It's my retirement race because while I LOVE race day, I HATE training for the halfs.

      We'll see, it might just be a threat, but I wont be doing another half for a while. I'll stick to 5Ks for now :)
