Friday, December 13, 2013

Frugal Friday

One of the fashion bloggers I follow, Mix and Match Fashion (especially for work outfits), participated in a link up this week about oversized outerwear. She highlighted this jacket, cute, right?

I want that bag!!!1
Well when I clicked through to Ann T's website, it was $278!!!

Nice try, Ann. Lucky for you all, I remember seeing a similar coat on Old Navy for waaaay less. Here you are:

That right, $65!!! Plus I'm sure you'll be able to dig up a coupon code. However, if you must have the Ann T one, PLEASE use the discount code they are offering right now, Holiday40 for 40% off so you pay $166 vs. $278.


  1. I like following the fashion bloggers too for ideas but don't want to pay a lot of the high prices. This was a great substitute you pointed out! Thanks!

    1. Yay! Glad you liked it. I'm always shocked at how expensive their outfits are!
