Monday, July 1, 2013

Brunch Bunch

It was Brunch Bunch weekend so I had lots of ladies and little ones over to the casa. Food was everywhere, but I did pretty good sticking to healthy eats.

It was of course July 4th themed-

And Mr. Mister and I dressed up in our red, white and blue. I put him in these hand me down overalls and not sure he's really and overall kid. He thought they were pretty funny, that face!

I stayed away from these...

And only had a bit of this delicious chicken salad. I ate it with cucumbers, not crackers.

Craisin make everything better. 

I did eat a few of these strawberry/angle food cake skewers. 

And a lot of this fresh fruit that was intended for the kids. They of course were more interested in those cookies.

I was exausted after it was all said and done. Having to prepare for guets, entertain said guests and the clean up is EXAUSING but you know what I did Saturday night??? I RAN FOUR - FOUR FREAKING MILES. Longest run so far. My legs still hurt today, but hey, I did it.

Sunday I drove down to the OBX (that's Outer Banks, NC for you non-locals) and helped a friend do some wedding planning. It was a drearey day with some rain here and there but it's still a georgous place. 

I stopped at the Wal-Mart on my way out of town to get a conversion kit so I could plug my pump in to the car and pump on my way home. Yeah, you read that right and I sure did. Gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I was the only one in that place not buying beer.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

PS - I won Holly's ab challenge. Not because I did it, because I pinned it.

However, after seeing Nerky's results (winner for actually doing the challenge), I wish I would have stuck to it!

Go check out Holly's blog, she's hilarious and doing another giveaway. This one is for $500!!!! I won a t-shirt. Humm.

PPS - If you are stopping by from Holly's blog - welcome!!! 


  1. Found you though Holly's blog!
    Actually your blogname drew me in, I love it!

    The whole crew are challenging me to get out and about more in addition to my workout time!

  2. Congrats on 4 miles! You're a rock star! And little man looks so adorable in those overalls! I die.

    1. Thanks you! Now the trick is to do it again :)
