Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

Ugh, it's a cold and rainy Monday here. Booooo!

Weekend was good, I mean, it was the weekend after all.

Started it out with the BOB arriving in the mail on Friday, gawd I love Amazon. The Hubs put it together while I fed Mr. Mister and then we went for a stroll around the block with it, it's inaugural ride. I have to say, I love it. So much easier to push than the regular stroller. 

Little Miss Rox got goroomed and a green bow for St. Patty's day.

Look at that face!

Saturday was Easter photo day so after a quick trip to the mall to finish up Mr. Mister's outfit, we were off to his photo session and look at this cutie. The photos turned out amazing. More to come on those.

Sunday's festivities were RUINED by the rain. We had planned on going to Busch Gardens to celebrate St. Patty's day, but ended up staying around the house most of the day. I was for whatever reason in a fairly bad mood. I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Had a lot of laundry to put away so this little guy kept me company while I cleaned up his mess.

And then it was photo shoot number 2 of the weekend with his festive St. Patty's day attire.

We then ventured out for a bit with a trip to Lows, such the suburbanites. As we were walking in the exit a staff person made some snide comment about it being the 'exit' and without flenching I said back somehting along the lines, "It's raining and cold out and we have a BABY. Sorry I didn't want to walk another 50 feet to use a different door. Get over it."

The Hubs was pissed and embarrassed. Whatever. I told you I was in a bad mood.

We went to buy a ceiling fan for our room and when we walked out I noticed this... Ha, sorry employee of the month, hope you found a parking space.

Ended it all with installing the son of a b ceiling fan. Truth be told, Hubs did most the work and I just had to go help when needed. I put the one up in our living room and let me tell ya, if you've never put one up, don't do it! After about 3 hours and a few YouTube videos, success! This sucker even has a remote control, fancy. 

I said I'd announce the give-a-way winner today, but ummm, no one entered. I have stats on this blog and know lots of you people read this thing so what gives?!? No one wanted my necklace??? Ultimate insult!

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