Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Recap

Had to work Saturday morning. Womp, womp. This is crazy buget time at work so that requires meetings on non-reg work days. Womp, womp again.

It was from 8 - noon so I got a little bit of a break from the budget woes to go pump for Mr. Mister. Here's a pic of me with some super sweet trophies. I had to borrow a class room to fire up the pump.

After that I headed home and got to get Mr. Mister up from his nap and walked in on this....

Looks like it is time to put the bumpers back on. Anyone else out there scared of the bumpers? I didn't think I was until he started sleeping in there full time and out they came. Now he can roll around just fine, obviously, so I feel ok putting them back in. But honestly, still a little nervous.

He and I then headed out for a little shopping while the hubs went up to help his dad out with some guy stuff (read tools, building/fixing things).

I finally got some more powder. I've been working with crumbs (see below) for WEEKS. I love Estee Lauder's double wear, it's got great coverage and my sun-damaged age spot face needs the coverage. Trust.

I'll tell you what I don't love, apparently I now get less for the same price. I thought it looked smaller so I checked the info on the back and sure enough, shame on you Estee Lauder!

It was gift with purchase time, so I don't feel too ripped off. I snagged this sweet bag that contains eyeshadows, lotion, lipstick and a few other things that I can't remember.

I looked for some new work clothes, but am still not happy with how I look in stuff to spend any money on things. I bought an outfit but after re-trying it on after I got home with it, I decided I don't like it and going to return it. I'm super good at returns, like the best ever. Bet you didn't even know you could be 'good' at that.

Sunday was a lazy morning and I caved on my no coffee and artificial sweetener rule. I justified it (I'm also good at that) by thinking that if that was the worst I was going to do once a week, then I was still doing pretty darn good. Gotta live a little.

So I guess it was my 'cheat day' and I had some oatmeal and a delicious cup of coffee. But I used stevia instad of splenda. Well, the Wal-Mart off-brand Stevia. It's all natural at least (justification numer 2).

Mr. Mister is also working on his FIRST two teeth and Sunday was the first time I've seen them start to poke through. He wears a Baltic Amber teething necklace (such the wannabe hippy), and he's really not been too fussy over it and absolutely no drool. I'd chalk that up to a win for the necklace and all my family members can stop giving me shit over it.

Ened the day/weekend with some cooking (WHAT?! So not like me) and I made zucchini lasagna with shredded checken. I'm a huge pinner (HUGE) and kept seeing all these pins on about how you can shred check with a mixer.

Well, after reading the deets, it's with a Kitchaid stand mixer. One of those mega, couple hundy bucks mixers. We don't have one of those, but I love shredded chicken and am too lazy to manually do it so I gave the hand mixer a try and it worked! You're welcome.

I could NOT sleep when the big 'ol 10 p.m. rolled around, this is my normal bedtime unless I fall asleep earlier on the couch while watching smut TV on the DVR. So this not sleeping thing is so unlike me. I'm a good sleeper and can still sleep just about anywhere, anytime.

So at about 11 p.m. I grab my phone and look through IG pics. I notice a post from @hollystanfiled of Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally about DietBet.

I did a post on it last night after I signed up, but wanted to mention it here again. You can still sign up and the pot is getting bigger. Basically you pay $15, 4 weeks long, loose 4% or more of your starting weight, you win. Winners split the pot.

That's some motivation if you ask me. So I signed up and you should too, but hurry! Game starts March  6, game on!

I finally feel asleep around 1 a.m. and Mr. Mister woke me up at 3:50 a.m. to eat and guess who couldn't get back to sleep. It wasn't the baby! SO EFFING MAD!

Now off to work, where I'm going to need some serious motivation and/or caffeine to stay awake.

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