Wednesday, April 2, 2014

WW = Jessica Simpson body???

Well I started Weight Watchers and hope to look like Jessica Simpson shorty ;)

I have several friends and co-workers who are doing it or have done it and been very successful. I need something to be held accountable to and their app makes it really easy. So, I signed up online yesterday and got my logon to the online features and my temporary in-person meeting card.

I logged all my food and I have to say I was surprised at how fast I ran out of points. Defiantly an eye opener as to how much have been eating and not realizing it.

I'm doing the full thing, online + meetings. I found a great deal via RetailMeNot, only $29.95 for your fist month. Basically, $10 off. Figured it was worth a shot for $30.

I stepped on the scale this morning and was at 161.4 lbs so we will call that my starting point. 


  1. Go WW! My mother-in-law is a WW instructor and she swears by the in person meetings. She says that they are really the way to make sure you lose the weight and stay accountable. I hope you like it. Best of luck!

  2. yea i just signed up today... i needed SOMETHING

  3. Good luck!!! It was WW that started me off on the right track now almost 8yrs ago.

  4. I've heard so many good things about WW, good luck!
