Friday, February 28, 2014

Frugal Friday - Organization

Ok so we all know I have a serious jewelry addiction, straight up junkie style. For real.

When I become obsessive about things and the collection gets out of control, I feel like I have to compensate by organizing it so it doesn't seem that bad.

I've been trying to find a solution for jewelry storage for years now. I have a monster jewelry box that I've out grown and honestly, when things are packed away in there, I don't remember I have them and don't wear them. Crying shame.

I used these craft containers for years and organized earrings by color and then used the monster jewelry box for necklaces and bracelets. It worked ok, but not ideal.

I now use these for my mobile Edith Marie Jewelry store :)

I had one of those hanging organizers that I kept my most frequently worn items in and also used it when I traveled. Each compartment zips so I like that they did fall out all over my suitcase.

After my last trip is when it hit me, why don't I put all my earring in these. I like them, they hang in the closet and easy to see all the goods at once.

I came across some on sale at Dress Barn around the holidays and got two. Well lets be honest, that wasn't enough. So I went to Amazon to look for some cheaper ones. I found these - they don't zip but I don't mind that too much because they are just to hang in the closet. But if you want some that zip, here's a version.

They also sell cute ones in fun patterns at places like TJ Maxx and Marshall's but they are generally $20ish.

And for necklaces, I use the hanger racks that are for belts. I found this hanger at TJ Maxx for $5. And here's a quick Amazon search for them will all different options and price points. 

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