Monday, January 6, 2014

The power of Pinterest and a bad haircut

So after I logged on to blogger after a week of being sick, I was all, "What? The statistics must be broken. 200 viewers earlier this week?"

I did some investigative work thanks to the more detailed statistic report and sure enough, real visitors. All coming from Pinterest to my post about breastfeeding. Holly shit. Kind of blew my mind.

Funny how you start a blog, but don't really think people are reading it. I mean, I know people are reading it, but not that many. Crazy! I just hope my tips are helping and glad I decided to hit publish on that bad boy.

Everyone have a good weekend? We took Mr. Mister to get his first haircut. I wanted to go to a fun kids place. First, because I thought they'd do a good job, they specialize in this stuff.  And second, so I could get cute photos of him sitting in a truck or something and an official first haircut certificate. Well, we got 2 out of three of those. And lets just say a good haircut wasn't one of them.

He was perfect. Didn't cry, didn't move a lot. Let me hold is head still so she could get close to the ears. We walked out of there with half a haircut and too much hair missing above one of his ears. The hubs and I were so dumbfounded we didn't know what to say. Um, thanks for the horrible haircut, here's $25 and glad we drove 20 minutes out of our way for this!

Sorry kid, builds character. Or something like that. 

We got 5 minutes down the road and the hubs grew more and more mad about it. Shock was wearing off. So he called them and said something along the lines of, "Hi, we were just in and sorry I didn't say anything before we left, but I just feel like his haircut looks like something I could have done at home. Can I bring him back and have someone fix it, or do I need to take him somewhere else."

Of course they said to bring him back, so we u-turned it and headed back. I'm not a confrontational persona and this made me SO uncomfortable. But, I sucked it up, his hair really did look baaad.

A different lady fixed it, the original lady retreated to the back until we were gone. We weren't jerks about it and all in all, it was worth going back. He does look pretty darn cute with his business man haircut.

Here we go again, round 2...

And the end product:

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