Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sugar, Sugar

Hello, my name is Amber and I'm a sugar addict.

It's a real thing! I watched 60 Minutes special where Dr. Gupta talks about how sugar is a toxin and has a similar effect on the brain as cocaine does. If it was on tv, it has to be real, right?

I'm 4 days in on the no sugar or artificial sweetener train and I feel like I need to go to rehab to detox. I break down around 2 p.m. and go pay too much for a diet Pepsi out of the vending machine at work.

I don't even like diet Pepsi, I'm more of a Coke Zero or Diet Coke gal.

I've given up my morning 2 3 cups of coffee. I've been accused of trying to make a latte out of it, meaning I put a shit ton of creamer (powdered non-dairy these days) and splenda in it. It is so delicious, I consider it a snack if when I make one in the afternoons. So I've gone cold turkey on that too and want to put my face in vat of it so bad. Stay strong. Stay strong.

What's your food vice?

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