Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, Monday.

It was one of those weekends where I'm actually glad to be back at work.

Mr. Mister almost chocked at Cracker Barrel on bacon. Scary! But he looked super cute for church.

I was suppose to run 6 miles and only made it 3. And it sucked. Sucked bad. 

Hubs was out of town for a boys trip and Mr. Mister was a real pill all weekend. He is starting to through fits and scream and scream and scream. It's half pathetic and half maddening when he does it. 

Generally it starts out with fighting over a diaper change. He no longer sees the need to lay still for a diaper change and when I make him do so, bring on the sobbing and screaming. You'd think he was in pain the way he acts. But then something will catch his attention, like a toy left on the changing table and poof, he's fine. That little turkey. 

On Sunday morning he did this after he tried to 'emergency call' China.

We did go to Busch Gardens with some friends on Saturday and had a good time. I was super good stuck to low-carb options until the ride home and I cowed down on the passed along kettle corn that was intended to be for the hubs. He didn't see one kernel of that big-o-bag of kettle corn. 

And we went for a walk around the block Sunday evening to avoid more meltdowns in the house. He toddled around all by himself. And also wanted to walk in the middle of the street.

Today has been a real shit show on the eating front. I failed to plan, so planned to fail. It all started with a handful of candy corn as breakfast right before a 9 a.m. staff meeting and has just gone down hill from there. 

I went out at lunch time and after swinging by Taco Bell, oh what the hell, I went to the grocery store to get some stuff for lunches.  And ordered an ab roller. I'm bringing it and some stomach muscles back.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What up Wednesday

It's Wednesday and I did not weigh myself today. I'm not sure why, but I just didn't.

I even felt skinny when I woke up and would usually be excited to see what that numbers said, but I just didn't feel like it today. Didn't want that number to rule my emotions today.

I've had a busy past few days/weeks. My friend got married two weekends ago down in the OBX and I did all her day of decorating for the reception. It was at a beautiful location and she was a super organized bride so it was very easy.

It was still an EXHAUSTING weekend. I basically had 3 hours of sleep in a 48-hour time frame. But it was beautiful and she was happy so it was all worth it. Here is a pic of the place.

All the places they have lived or are significant in their relationship, very cute.
Party animal, morning after shot.

This past weekend my sis-in-law was in town with her mini and we hit up Busch Gardens on Saturday. They were able to ride a few rides, some I was really surprised about. We had a great time and I think the minis did too.

Family fall photo, done.

Don't freak out, both of us were right next to them. 

Dare devils.

Running has been hit or miss. I'm desperately trying to keep up with my training plan. I did have a great run last Saturday before we went to the park. I set out for 3 miles and felt so good that I did 4. This never happens. I have a 6ish mile run on the books for this week, wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Let's be honest...

We're all friends around here, so lets be honest... my eating and exercise has been crap. I step on the scale every morning hoping a pound or two will magically go away. But then reality hits and it doesn't.

Good news is that we finally got that cold front the rest of the country has been enjoying and I can finally start running at work for lunch again. I'm super excited about this. I basically took all last week off. I can not believe it. I ran Saturday, 2 miles and it sucked. I wanted to walk before I hit a mile. It was bad. And I haven't run since. SLACKER!

So today is the day to get my shit together. I need to start tracking my food again. Accountability is a must. My goal is to drop 2 lbs a week and need hit 1,000 calories as my net daily intake. 1,000 calories is not a lot of food so I have to run/exercise every day so I can eat more. 300 calories burned = I get to eat an extra 300 calories for the day. Yippie.

I had a total fat kid weekend. We went to Busch Gardens with some friends and I chowed down on kettle corn goodness, an icee, few bites of hub's cheesecake and a plate full of brisket. And I wonder why I'm not loosing weight. OMG. 

We did walk all over the park and pushed Mr. Mister around in his stroller or carried him so I burned a bit of it off. It was hot, hot, hot and we were whipped out, but it was a good time had by all. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2

So it's day 2 of my shopping diet. OMG. This is hard. It's the same as a real diet, you want it even more now that you're telling yourself you can't have it.

But I must say, it is totally working. We had a spread of oatmeal cookies and pumpkin muffins (both my favs) in the break room at work yesterday and I haven't touched a single one. Not a singe one.

I was 161 this morning on the scale.  Yay for a loss. 150s you are so close!

As far as the shopping diet, thank gawd for Pinterest. I have been pinning everything I want to buy. My little way of saving it for later and not letting it go forever. This is what I've added in less than 24 hours. And never would I have bought all this stuff, but it's like now that I can't, I want to. so. bad.

I didn't run last night, it was near impossible with Mr. Mister's schedule and being a work night for the hubs. Firefighters have a pretty good scheduling gig, but I'm starting to dislike those 24-hour shifts more and more.

It has warmed up here so running during the day at lunch time is not really feasible. However, I lugged my gear into work today hoping I could swing it. It really is the only way I'm going to be able to gear up for the half in December.

Hope you all are having a great week, we're half way to the weekend!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Have you seen my motivation?

I've totally lost it and I'm not sure how to get it back. I haven't run since Friday night and have not done so well with my food intake. And I kind of don't care. Ekk!

I'm close to registering for the half in December, its only 11 weeks away now. Even knowing that isn't a kick in the ass to get off my ass and run.

It is officially fall (can you believe it's October today?!!?!) and I LOVE all the new fall fashions that are out. Leather trimmed anything is calling my name. And oh the boots! So here's my new plan. No shopping - none at all - no shoes, no clothes, no JEWELRY no matter how cheap it is until I loose the next 10 lbs. So this should also help me with my budgeting woes. So I'm kind of on a food diet and shopping diet all together.

I weighed myself this morning and I was at 161.4 to my surprise. I thought I'd be closer to 164. So there you have it, no shopping until I'm 151.4 (or less).

What tricks do you use to get yourself motivated again?

Hope you all are having a great week so far and aren't caught up in the government shutdown. My mom is, I just hope she doesn't have to go without pay too long. Scary stuff.