Friday, September 27, 2013

Goodwill Hunting

Getting a bargain is like hunting. I've never really been hunting, but it's what I imagine hunting would be like.

I love the hunt and strategy behind getting something for next to nothing. On sale + coupon = score!

So a few days ago I decided to go hunting on my lunch break. I normally go to Target to walk around and buy stuff I don't need that's on super marked down clearance, but I'm on a budget these days so I knew I better stay away.

Instead, I decided to head over to the local Goodwill. I hadn't been in ages and thought it was a shopping trip I could probably afford, so why not?! I also need some fall/winter clothing. Last fall/winter I was still rocking my maternity pants to work POST baby.

Holly mother of good hunting finds! Check out this outfit I put together --

Jacket, Kasper ($3.50, it was half price), Limited faux leather skirt ($6), Forever 21 sweater top ($5). I love it. Perfect for winter and a little rockerish. I feel kind of like a bad ass in it.

And then there was this super preppy little number --

Loft jacket ($3.50), button up shirt ($3) and gap skirt ($6).

I've decided skirts are a good addition to the wardrobe as I'm still trying to shirk my body. I seem to be able to go up or down a size, so basically can wear a skirt for three size increments. This gap one is an 8, I normally wear a 10, so it's a little higher on my waist to accommodate. Just be sure to only do this with longer skirts!

I also scored a Talbots jacket ($3.50, another half price score!), Loft shirt ($3), a coach wristlet ($1) and a Vera Bradley little bag ($1).

I felt like a freaking winner! I gave the coach wristlet to a co-worker. She loves coach and I knew I'd never really use it. I felt good giving it to her and see how excited she was. And fun telling her I got it for $1.

Thanks Goodwill for the afternoon pick-me up.

Tip-- Goodwill items all have a colored tag. Each week a certain color is half price, discount of discount clothing, holler!

Happy friday, hope you all have a good weekend!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Pirates and Parting with my stuff

We had a big pirate festival this weekend a local museum was hosting. They were trying to break the world record for the most pirates in one place. Had to have more than 14,000... that's A LOT of pirates.

Mr. Mister and I partook in the festivities. My mom was volunteering so we stopped by to say hello and I love a good excuse to dress up.

I also took a bunch of clothes, shoes and jewelry I was willing to part with to our local Clothes Mentor. It is one of those consignment shops that buys your stuff on the spot and gives you cash.

Sometimes I do really well, others, not so much. I find jewelry really brings me some cash. This time I walked out with $70 $55 (I found an awesome pair of gold Ralf Lauren flats there for $15!) to put toward my BCS Half trip.

I have a bag I've also listed on eBay for the cause. It's a Michael Kors jet set tote in turquoise and I have simply loved it. Loved. BUT, I'm a bag person and could seriously become a bag/purse hoarder. So, I figured if the sale of this one would bring me some needed cash, then so be it. I also listed three Coach wristlets I had laying around.

Maybe I should do an IG #shopmycloset sale. Anyone ever done one or bought anything that way? I bought a pair of Holly's shoes once. But they were a half size too small so I just gave them away to Goodwill. My $20 purchase turned into a $20 charitable donation. I digress...

And here's the story/reason cash flow is tighter than usual and I'm hocking my goods.

It all started back in college. I was a young dumb college girl who partied too much and didn't have time to floss or go to the dentist.
Live music (Willie Nelson I might add), tan and alcohol in hand = college.
Basically, I got a massive cavity and ended up needing a root canal when I finally went to the dentist, 5 years later! I had no pain, I didn't even know I had a cavity. Five years later said root canal failed and I had to have oral surgery (twice!) to help save my tooth and expensive ass crown.

First oral surgery didn't quite do the trick, so I had to have it re-done about 2 weeks after the first one and they took a little more of the root and I was good to go. Fast forward five more years, being just a few months ago and the damn thing has failed AGAIN.

This time, tooth and crown have to come out! I cried when the dentist told me this. Seriously, cried. All that money and now it just comes out? WTF?! I'm going to be toothless! I'm only 32 freaking years old!

So what now? I have to get an implant. Or, just not have a tooth there. OMG. That is not an option. It's on the side and you can totally see it when I smile. If it were a molar, I'd consider doing without.

Do you know how expensive a freaking tooth implant is? Like my portion of the bill AFTER insurance will be $2,000!!! Thank goodness for insurance and pre-tax saving accounts, but hot damn. I've already spent about this from all the procedures, crown and oral surgery. Are you kidding me, $4,000 on a freaking tooth?! And all because I was too busy drinking vodka to floss my teeth.

Life lessons, ya'll. Life lesson.

So that's the story and a PSA for property oral hygiene. Floss people, floss!

The end.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday - hooray!

Well friends, we made it through another work week. Cheers.

I ran at lunch time yesterday, victory! I got a little hot at mile 2 but not too bad. I found some shade and finished out 3 miles, came back to the office, changed clothes and pretended like I had no idea why my face was beat red. Kidding, but my boss did ask what I had been doing.

Oh and how did I get over my fear of running into people on the elevator? I took the stairs. Down and back up. All 7 flights. But hey, a little cross training never hurt anyone.

It was a beautiful day and I work downtown right on the water. It actually made me a little mad at myself for not this sooner. Look at the gorgeous views.

I used iRadio for the first time and I'm going to be in trouble. So easy to buy music now. And this is my favorite song right now. It reminds me a lot of M.I.A. Paper Planes which I also loved.

And it was AWESOME to go home at not have to worry about running. I was all, yeah, I already did that. No guilt for sitting here watching smut TV after Mr. Mister goes to bed.

Speaking of Mr Mister, he started WALKING last night. Out of the blue. Just stood up and took off.

No pulling up and holding on to something and then gradually letting go. Straight up stood up and walked. Now we're in trouble.

Wobble, wobble. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Big Fun, ringlets and failures

Anyone else out there big Halloween fans? I LOVE it. Not the scary part, but playing dress up and eating candy, that's right up my alley!

So I was at Target the other day and stumbled upon these....

Chris March's BIG FUN! OMG, these are so fun. I wish they made them for babies, I'd totally put Mr. Mister in one.

I haven't even thought about his costume yet. I'd love to do a family theme, but the Hubs is so not about it. Party pooper.

However, I did get a curling wand this past weekend and pretty sure my hair looks like one of Chris' foam wigs by time I was finished. Can you say return? That sucker is going back. I'm wondering if a larger/ticker wand would be better and not make me look like Shirley Temple.

Speaking of trend busts, lets talk about stackable bracelets. Love the look and I put this together the other night with some bracelets I already owned. LOVE the way it looks.

Well until the reality of wearing them happens and they really look like this all day. Fail.

Don't mind the trash on the floor. That was Mr. Misters new favorite toy the other morning. 

Another fail from last night, I didn't make it out for a run. BUT, I'm taking my gear to work and plan on hitting the pavement for lunch today. I'm kind of nervous about it. Like I don't want to run into coworkers in the elevator when I'm in my running gear. I think it's always kind of awkward, like I want to be, "Hi, these are my workout clothes, I did not wear this to work." Whatever, I gotta get over it, in reality they could care less and I need to start logging these miles!

I did successfully download the new iOS 7 operating system for the iPhone and LOVE it. Updated yours, you wont be disappointed.

The biggest question I've seen come up on my newsfeed is how to close out of apps. So I'll let you in on the secret... double click the home button like you used to do and then swipe up and they'll magically close. You're welcome.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mid Week What up

It's Wednesday, what up.

Weight -- 162. Still.

Running - I only ran 2 miles last night. Not 3. BUT I ran with the jogging stroller. Dear God, that thing is heavy. Real dedication is you moms who run with one on the reg. I was right at a minute slower than normal with it.
Two thumbs down, at least Mr. Mister enjoyed his outing. 
I'm considering trying to run during the week at work for lunch. I don't sweat that much when it's cold out and it would really help me fit in the running. Hummm.

Do any of you workout or run for your lunch break? Do you shower after?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And we're runnin, runnin

By we, I mean me. I'm back on the half training schedule.

What schedule do you all use? I loosely followed my own schedule last time around and thought I could use something a little more defined and proven. So I'm going with Hal Higdon Novice 2 Program. Side note, the app is $10! I'll pass and just look at it online.

I think the extra milage will do me some good. For weight loss and being ready for the half in December. And I liked that Monday and Friday are a rest day, ha! Spoken like a true slacker.

So I'm counting this week as week one and you know I used that as an excuse to not run yesterday. So I've got to get in 3 miles this evening when I get home from work, ugh. I really wish I could get my ass out of bed in the mornings. Maybe tomorrow.

Mr. Mister is FINALLY consistently sleeping thought the night. Only took us 13 months, thank you very much. So I think I really could manage a morning run, at least on the mornings the hubs is home.

Side note, did you all see B-rit is going to be performing in Vegas? #workbitch. I'm excited, maybe that Vegas half IS a good idea.

I went to a show in 2009 for her Circus tour in DC. We had the worst seats ever (last row, there's a wall behind us!) and I can not even tell you how loud it was with shrieking teenybopper girls. I want a do-over.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Football, tears and a picnic.

And we're back to Monday. Good weekend though, weather here is awesome. I love me some fall temperatures.

Hubs had to work at the fire station on Saturday so my mom was nice enough to come over and watch Mr. Mister for a few hours so I could run and run errands baby free. SO much more efficient and no worrying about nap time.

We also showed our support to the Aggies, big 'bama game was Saturday. We ran out of time to call in a win, but it was still a good game. It's so exciting to have a good football team again.

I also caught wind of this amazing story on Friday. It is definitely a proud to be an Aggie momentI cried reading through all the posts. Big ugly cries. It really is amazing. And here's a video of her receiving all the generosity before the game. Whoop and BTHO (beat the hell outta for you non-Aggies) Cancer, Shannon!

Sunday we went to my mom's church's big fall picnic. She goes to a mega church and they put on awesome events. The food was good, Mr. Mister even ate some bar-b-q and rode some carnival rides.

Matching outfits.

We had to hurry home for nap time but went for a stroll on the firetruck after he woke up. He's been good about leaving hats on again, and I think it's just the cutest.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Linking it up!

Get excited, it's another finish the sentence linkup with these two...
My happy place... is at a frozen yogurt bar. 
Whatever happened to... recess and naps. I want those days back 
So what if I.... had FOUR FIVE cups of pumpkin spice coffee yesterday. 
E! needs a reality show about... how Scott and Rob take over Miami. 
My go-to fast food meal is... taco bell, fresco beef soft taco. 
You might not know that I... just ran a half marathon ;)
The hottest quarterback in the NFL is... I have no idea, I'm not tuned into NFL quarterbacks. 
If I could.... sing, I would karaoke ALL the time. 
My personality is awesome because... it just is. 
Twerking is.... so not necessary. 
I think it's super gross when... people twerk. 
Someone needs to tell Miley Cyrus.... to stop twerking and eat some taco bell. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, snoozeday

Man I'm tired and I have no idea why. I kind of feel like I'm in a rut and it came on all at once.

Weekend was good, I went for a jog on Sunday morning and the weather was really nice. I did a little over 3 and it felt pretty darn good.
Back to using the watch, MapMyRun = Liar, liar, pants on fire!

We then enjoyed a family day up at Busch Gardens, yay for season passes. Mr. Mister is finally old enough to enjoy more than a stroller ride up there. However, big mommy fail, I didn't bring any shoes for him (he's still not walking) so he got denied from riding any of the kiddy rides. Sorry dude, better luck next time.

Loves to always put his foot up, he's done it since birth. 
No shoes needed for the sky ride. 

Too cool for school with Dad's hat. 
Big news here -- I've decided to come out of retirement for another half or TWO. I know, WHAT am I thinking?! Let me explain, turns out I got bit by the bug. Still hate the actual running part, but man what a great feeling when it's over that YOU JUST DID THAT.

There is one locally next month. I'm hoping for cool weather and a good run. And secondly, there is one in College Station (Whoop!) and I think it would be a blast to run through campus. However, we all know registration and airfare is expensive so I set up a donation site to see if I can get some sponsorships, charity, pity, whatever you want to call it to make it happen.

I feel really strange about it, but there is no way I can afford the trip on my own thanks to some recent medical bills (more on that later). And some family members have mentioned helping. My mom is my biggest fan, she basically covered my entry fee as soon as I mentioned this. Aren't moms great?

This is when I wish I traveled for work and had some airline miles to toss at a ticket. Flights are so expensive!

So I guess I better get back on the Half training wagon. If I do the one locally next month, I've got to get on it NOW. Hello long run Saturday, we meet again.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So What! Wednesday

New link up, so what!

1. So what I ran a half marathon, did a protein day and still weigh 164.

2. So what all my half marathon photos look like 'before photos' on a weight loss blog. At least I've now go lots of fat photos for my side by sides when I get skinny.

3. So what if I ruined this girl's photos with an I'm about to pass out look.

4. So what if all I'm talking about is the half marathon.

5.  So what if my knees still hurt and I'm thinking of running an 8k this weekend. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Done and done.

Beautiful morning for a little run. 
Half marathon was a success. As in I didn't die or quit. I'm an official finisher with a time of 2:37. Not great, but I'll take it. It was so so so so so so hot and humid. I thought I was going to pass out around mile 9.

You'll see from some pics that we decided to have fun with the race and not take time too seriously. We really did run the entire thing. No walking, but we did stop here and there to take some pics and have some fun. Isn't that what it's all about???
Official finishers. Thank God. 

Race bling.

However, I have to say the Rock 'n' Roll folks know how to host a half. It was fun and well organized. I was really surprised by the spectators. Part of the race is in a neighborhood and down residential streets. They were camped out in the front yard, lawn chairs, beer coolers and all. It was fantastic, you would have thought we were the July 4th parade coming down the street. Maybe the worst July 4th parade. Ever.

One house was passing out popsicles, another beer. We ran past and grabbed both. That beer was ICE cold and a few sips were just what I needed at mile 11.5. Coolest race viewers ever, thank you!
Hello beat red face.
You don't stop for beers along the way? You should!

The expo was pretty good too with a fun photo booth. Vendors were all the regular ones you'd expect to see.
Things I've learned from this pic, 1-I need a tan; 2-Dont stand next to skinny cousin in pics; 3-Sports tape looks dumb.
I'll tell you what wasn't fun, drinking chocolate milk post race. Apparently the milk folks are trying to push it as a great way to refuel post run/workout and they were a sponsor. So in addition to water and Gatorade, we also got chocolate milk. I tried it, no thank you. I'm not buying what you're selling. It made me want to gag.

NOT my after

Speaking of recover, it's not half bad. I didn't really have too much muscle soreness. My feet hurt, like I had been dancing all night in heels. And my knees were/are a little achy. So I really think if it weren't for the heat, I would have crushed my estimated time. We did kick off recover with a pedicure, maybe that's why I feel so good.

Oh and ALSO, for those of you that use the MapMyRun app, I'm pretty sure it's a big liar. I ran with it on Sunday and by mile 10, it said we were on 11 and running at a much faster pace. And then something happened about the real mile 11 and it got paused or canceled so I have no idea what it would have come in at in the end, but I'm 100% sure it over estimated distance and therefore speed.

So all in all, great time. Will I be doing it again? I can't say. But I will keep running and now it's time to focus back on weight loss. I might be the only person I know who gained weight during half marathon training.